Surgery day: 234.4 lbs
Last weigh in: 175 lbs
Todays weight: 171.9 lbs
-3.1 lb loss
-62.5 lb loss since surgery
-89.1 lb loss overall
OH geeeeeeze I'm soooooo close to 90 lb loss!!!!
I really just can't believe it... Sometimes I don't even recognize my reflection... I have to stop and do a double take... and sometime I strut a little and think "DWAM I'm looking GGOOOOODDD!"
Life is still crazy... settling down though which is awesome. Things are getting much more civil and friendly in my divorce which is super duper. If you are friends with me on facebook you noticed that my relationship status has changed... YUP it's FB official! I have met a wonderful person who makes me feel uh-may-zing, really. He makes me feel like a million bucks and then some. He tells me i'm beautiful/sexy/pretty He is amazingly supportive of my weight loss journey and encourages me DAILY. Of course it's like we are 17 again, starting all over. We both have nothing because we both just got out of relationships. We don't have our own place yet, working on that lol. But the most important thing is i'm HAPPY. Really really happy.
I'm hoping to get down to my goal weight by my birthday August 14th. So that's like 21.9 lbs to lose by August, I think I can do it!!! I've also decided to change my goal weight, my boyfriend challenged me to take it down 10 more lbs to 140lbs, He's like "it's only 10 more lbs, you can totally do it!" I'm pretty sure I can do it too lol But i'm officially keeping my goal weight at 150 because that's what it's always been... hell I never even thought I could get down to 171!! I'm hoping to start really amping up and exercising like a fiend now that it's FINALLY getting warmer!!!
I forgot to tell you guys, a couple months ago I totaled my car when Bambi's mom strolled out in front of me... yeah it sucked, bf's airbag went off , i had a seatbelt burn... no bueno... BUT I gots me some new wheels now!
Ain't she purdy?
OH! Big news! I finally bought my first pair of jean shorts!!! And even better? They are size effing 10!!!! yes, a TEN!!! I couldn't believe it..... Oh and i finally bought a new pair of jeans.... also a size 10!!!! I really never thought I would ever wear a size 10, it feels amazing, I can't wait until i'm crying over wearing like a size 8!! (which still seems impossible in my brain lol)
Well, I'm off. I got my camera now so I am hoping to take some progress pics pretty soon! :) So now I leave you with some pics!!
Size MEDIUM shirt folks...yep
Me and my mom's new weiner Sammie Jo Pickles!! She is toooo cute!
I know I know, I wear this sweatshirt a lot, but how could I not? I'm kind of a boss!!
My momma bought me a hat! lol
Possibly the cutest picture ever. Kenz was letting my moms older weiner outside to go potty
and I hear her BANGING on the door and when I open it she has this thing in her
hands and she screams "I FOUND A MOUSE!!!" I said no kenz that's a bitty baby bunny!
She said "Patches had it in her mouth shaking it!! Then she threw it!! I saved it's LIFE!! Patches
DID NOT save it's life!!!" Unfortunately this tiny little critter didn't make it but it's siblings did.
Sad, but I got this ridiculously cute picture out of it..soo...there's that...